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November 13, 2022
In Girdwood, Alaska, a new mother was eagerly awaiting the arrival of her child. She had carefully planned for a home birth, surrounded by a skilled birth team who would pro
Birth, Motherhood Michaela Wylde Birth, Motherhood Michaela Wylde

The snow outside gently fell, adding to the cozy and calming atmosphere, as Gabrielle labored with strength and courage. In the background, the sounds of Howl's Moving Castle played softly, adding a touch of whimsy to the room. Gabrielle drew comfort from the sounds, letting it wash over her as she pushed through the final stages of labor.

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Embodied Creation Michaela Wylde Embodied Creation Michaela Wylde

Leaving the water we headed towards the trees following the light. Abi mentioned she had never been barefoot in nature and that it felt so good and was just what she needed. Allowing nature to hold her, she breathed in the Earth becoming more in-tune with herself.

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Motherhood Michaela Wylde Motherhood Michaela Wylde

Amidst the rushing cascade of Girdwood's falls,

A mother stands, with life within her womb.

With steady steps and xtratuf’s on feet,

She splashes and sways to nature's tune.

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